Mild Bowel Ease, Pleasurably Prolonged - Puke
Manual Delectation And Mild Colonic Disquiet - HolyCrap
Mild Intestinal Perturbance - Lola
Mild Windbreaking - Watchmarleypoop
Continuous Excretion Over Forty-Eight Hours Aided By A Mild Laxative - Efrolesbians
Evamarie88 Orders Your Mouth, Darling.
Office Darling With Rear Barrier And Fecal Filling - Lindzypoopgirl
Part Your Lips, Darling - Efrolesbians
Relieving Oneself And Abundant Wind Leading Models – Absorb My Wind – Imbibe My Release And Consume My Heavy Refuse, Darling
Scatmania Featuring The Dainty Darling: Barbara - p00girl