Scatfest - Excrete Upon Me - Michele, Lisa Black
Scatdesire - Ingest All Shit I Bestow Upon You - Emesis
During Her Tea Break, The Woman Chose To Bestow Upon Her Partner A Gift Of Feces - Ellagilbert
Bestowal Upon Me, Sweetheart, As I Bestow - Autumnyoung - Sophia Sprinkle
El Obstruente Shiticio - Mistress Michelle
Lady Missy And Mistress Michelle Offer Feces To Underling - Thefartbabes
Assigning Buddies For Defecation On Me - Carolyne, Mel, Lisa Black
First-Time Scat - Lisa Black, Mary Luthay
Early Scatological Exploit - Lisa Black, Mary Luthay
Employing A Toothbrush - Black - Diana Lisa