Breaking The Stigma: Real Talk About Girls And Bowel Movements - freckledRED
Social Stigma: Breaking Barriers For Women Needing To Go
Unspoken Duty: A Look At Feminine Fecal Matters
Fecal Matters: The Unspoken Aspect Of Feminine Hygiene
Ladys Leak: Tackling The Stigma Of Feminine Urinary Incontinence
Feminine Fecal Fiasco: Breaking Down Bathroom Barriers
Feminine Flush: Breaking Down Barriers In Ladies Room Etiquette
Voluptuous Lady - Preoccupation With Fecal Matters And Vomit - A New Viewpoint
Compendium Of Fecal Matters - Dirtyfairy
Stool Story: An Exploration Of Female Fecal Matters - Scarlett